AdBlock on iOS 9 is not the end of the world
The mobile industry has been in turmoil since the day iOS 9 was released, when it turned out that Apple announced that in this system it is allowed to create and use tools that cut out ads appearing in the Safari browser. Does this mean a gigantic drop in advertising profits? Well, no.
This move certainly represents a milestone for a key trendsetter in the mobile world and its „concern” for the consumer mobile internet experience. Hopefully Apple’s move was to limit intrusive banner forms, often large format – interstitial 320×480 pixel type with “X close” option – which started to be used as a copy of large desktop solutions.
In my opinion, its movement may significantly accelerate the development of alternative forms of commercial message delivery, as discussed below.
Let us first consider the reason for such a decision. There are two main aspects. Image – differentiating Apple’s offering through a better user experience for buyers of the new iOS models. And also business – limiting competitors’ revenues. In the main, it is about the advertising network Google AdSense, as well as other mobile advertising networks.
In my honest opinion, the market will answer clearly. Advertising business is worth billions of dollars. I do not believe that the industry will not cope with it. Too many corporations have too much to lose :-). Besides, Apple has no revenue from mobile advertising, and the app as well, so I think it’s no coincidence what they’ve been promoting lately. Apple even has its iAd ad network, which relies on in-app advertising inventory.
Besides, the AdBlock problem in iOS 9 only affects Safari browsers, so basically the problem of „invisible ads” neither in Poland nor globally seems to be marginal. According to StatCounter, its market share is currently only 22 percent.
Additionally, globally we have 20/80 traffic in favor of apps, and there AdBlock doesn’t work.
And also – blocks banners, but probably doesn’t block native advertising and rewarded engagement.